domingo, 20 de abril de 2008

Lado a Lado

Foi numa dessas visitas que assisti ao filme Lado a Lado (Stepmom) no cinema. Meu santo, viciei. Vimos num dia e, no dia seguinte, enquanto minha tia trabalhava, fui assistir de novo. Juro. Dois dias seguidos.

Cheguei e fui direto pra internet procurar still photos do filme, lembro de ter achado essa aqui:

Depois enlouqueci para achar a música que a Susan Sarandon canta com as crianças no quarto: “Ain´t no Mountain High Enough”, do Marvin Gaye com Tammi Terrel. Acabei descobrindo o nome no dia seguinte porque fiquei esperando os créditos do filme passarem até o fim e aí fui numa loja do Shopping e achei um cd antigo do Marvin Gaye.

Não sei como posso ter gostado tanto desse filme, afinal a história é super-hiper-mega triste, mas... tem duas atrizes ótimas e cenas muito boas!

Esses dias escrevi uma review para uma amiga americana que está montando um livro para o filho, onde ela vai publicar opiniões de vários amigos falando de seus filmes favoritos.

O que eu escrevi:

"There are so many movies that I love and have loved during my life. But I think the one that has made the biggest impression was Stepmom.

It shows a divorced couple with two kids, a girl and a little boy. The father has a new girlfriend and suddenly they find out the mother has cancer...

I don't know why I like it so much, since it's such a sad story, but I guess it's because of the many lessons it teaches.

Like sharing; being able to look around and see that are other people who might need you and sometimes you´re too selfish to realize it. Or other sometimes they don't even know how much they need someone by their side until you come around.

It teaches how important it is to be open and ready to give a part of yourself to someone and to let other people come into your life, even if it´s just for a moment, even if it´s just for this special occasion or even if it´s going to be for ever¦

It also shows how difficult it is to a mother who knows she won't be there for her kids in the future and has to trust in someone else to take care of them instead. And how can she be sure that this person is the right one? That she will teach her kids good values, help them and be always there no matter what.

I remember a really intense scene when the mother (Susan Sarandon) meets the girlfriend (Julia Roberts) at a bar and they start talking about the kids. The mom says that she has her kids past and that the wife-to-be (girlfriend) can have their future, to what the girlfriend says she´s afraid that when it comes to the little girl´s wedding she´ll be there helping with the dress, fluffing her vail and that she will be thinking: “I wish my mom was here”. And the mom says: “My fear is: she won´t”.

I feel like crying just to think of it. It´s beautiful. And it really shows how they finally learned to share, how the two women have stopped being selfish and jealous of each other and have realized they should be together so their kinds would well."

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

É verdade esse filme é muito lindo e vc esta de parabéns